The beginning

Wise owl prechool owned by Suhas Biwalkar who is a hardcore technologist & business professional and Aparna Biwalkar who is a passionate educator since 2014 has been flourishing with more than 100 children and two state of the art facilities



As the buisness was growing and after using ultiple solutions over the years, they discovered the need of an end to end prechool management system for seamless & more effective preschool management


Modern Tech

With a zeal for how technology can enhance the vital work of nurturing young minds, passion for children & education, & a feeling to serve the community, they started a tech company called ‘Wise owl technologies’


AI Revolution

Wise owl technologies has been developing an innovative product WOW! powered by cutting edge AI technologies to solve the pain points validated by some Preschool owners including them


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Reach out to us anytime and lets create a better future for all technology users together, forever. We are open to all types of collab offers and tons more.